As I said in the post that I posted at the beginning of the week I struggled to complete the challenge. My plan for today was to catch up on the bible readings that I have missed but things haven’t gone the way I planned them too.
When I got back from a driving lesson this morning I came home to find that the information that I need for the course that I’m going on had arrived.
I opened it to find that I have to complete three different questionnaires. There’s a passion assessment, personal style assessment and 125 spiritual gifts questionnaire.
Out of all the questionnaires the two that I’m really struggling with is the one about spiritual gifts and the passion assessment. I’ve sat down a number of times throughout the day to try and complete them and I’ve struggled as I’ve found most of the questions hard and I don’t where to start with them.
I’m now feeling because I can’t answer these questions did I make the right choice to go on the course. Deep down I know it’s the right choice and that it’s just the devil playing on my insecurities.
I know that I need to sit down and pray to God so that he will help me and give me the strength and confidence that I need to answer these questions honestly.
How are you getting on with it? It's always interesting to look honestly at ourselves, isn't it? Although I can be so difficult, but if it weren't so important it probably wouldn't be so difficult xx
ReplyDeleteSo far i've managed to complete the personal assessment and the spiritual gifts. I still need to finish the passions one. Hopefully I'll finish it tonight. x