
Thursday, 6 January 2011

New Year Resolutions Challenge- 5.1.11- 6.1.11

Seeing as I didn’t post about yesterdays challenge I thought I would include it with todays.
Yesterday and today have both been a bit of failure. On both days I struggled to wake up early again which meant I didn’t have enough time to do my morning prayers.
But this morning at work I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes in quiet to say a silent prayer. This time it wasn’t about me. I prayed for the children, families and the doctors that I see on daily basis. I work in a children’s outpatients department where most of the children have been really poorly. I prayed that God will surround the children and their families with his healing hand and I also prayed for that he will give the doctors all the resources that they need to help all the families that come to the department.
When there was a quiet time during the clinic I was speaking to one of my colleagues about how amazing it is that even though these children have got serious problems they all look healthy and carry on like they have nothing wrong with them. My colleague then said she had seen most of the children when they were really and now they all look like completely different children. I then prayed for all the advancements that has happened to all the medical technology over the years.
Like I’ve said in a previous post the only part of the challenge that I have been successful in is the reading 4 chapters of the bible. Before I started doing this challenge the only time I opened my bible to read was when I went to bible study and occasionally on a Sunday at church. This challenge has helped me to set time aside so that I can sit and read the bible at my own pace.
The part of the challenge that I’m having difficulty with is striving to live closer to God and leaving providential events with God. Recently I’ve been struggling with putting God at the centre of my life, but know I’m at the stage in my life when I want to know what God has got planned for my life. My two very best friends Jon and Caron both know what God has got planned for their lives. I’m very pleased and happy for them but this left me feeling that God had forgotten about me. During a conversation that I had with Jon he told me that God hadn’t forgotten about me and that he does have a plan for me in the future.
Hopefully completing this challenge will help me to live closer to God and leave all events with him.


  1. Don't worry about things too much. God knows what He is doing even if you don't. And if prayer is a struggle for words or time learn to turn your daily actions and eventually your whole life in to one big prayer by inviting God in to all you do, it won't be easy but it will be worth it.


  2. Thanks for those kind words Sam really means a lot. I always find myself worrying about things even though I know that God has it all in his control. I feel that I'm starting to a bit of progress now by inviting God into all I do. I know its going to take time but like you say its all going to be worth it.

    May God Bless you in all that you do

