
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

You've Got The Love

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need To see me through
Sometimes it seems that the going is just too rough
And things go wrong no matter what I do
Now and then it seems that life is just too much
But you've got the love I need to see me through

When food is gone you are my daily need
When friends are gone I know my savior's love is real
You know it's real
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love

Time after time I think "Oh Lord what's the use?"
Time after time I think it's just no good
Sooner or later in life, the things you love you lose
But you've got the love I need to see me through
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love

You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through
                                                                                           (Florence And The Machine)
The above song is by a band called Florence And The Machine. I don't much about this band but I don't think they are a christian band (I'm sure my friends will tell me when they see me next).
The song has been on the radio quite a lot recently and the verses that I have highlighted in bold really stand out to me at the moment. I'm going through a bit of a rough patch with parts of my life and there have been times where I have said I don't care anymore.
The people I've spoken to have said pray to God about it and leave it with him. So here it goes.
God you know whats going on in my life. I'm now leaving the situation in your hands. Please continue to be by my side and guide me down the right path. I know I can count on you. You've got the love that I need to see me through this. Amen.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Fishers Of Men

One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of Galilee, he saw two brothers- Simon also called Peter and Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living.

Jesus called out to them, 'Come follow me and I will show you how to fish for people!'

And they left their nets at once and followed him.
Matthew 4 vs. 18-20

I will make you fishers of men, fishers of men, fishers of men. I will make you fishers of men if you follow me, if follow me, if you follow me. I will make you fishers of men if you follow me.

A few weeks ago I started volunteering at a local homeless hostel. Here they have a display table with wooden fish on with Matthew 4 vs 19. Everytime I walk past the display I have the above chorus going through my head, its one that we sing in my church.

 I think the reason why I have the bible verses and the chorus going through my head is that this is God's way of telling me the reason I am there is to show the homeless people coming to the hostel that there are people who care and want to help them. The longer I am there hopefully God will use to me and show me how to fish for people.

One of my friends recently had this as his facebook status- What an awesome God we have. He works miracles in lives that have been broken, using them to construct something so beautiful words cannot express or explain. He continues to use others who might feel as if they have nothing to offer, to change lives and the world that we live in. Remember that we are called to save souls, grow saints and help suffering humanity. We must fight to the very end.

My pray is that I will continue to do the work that God wants me to do and he will show me the way he wants me to do it.